Zum Thema Geschenke für Surfer eines schonmal kurz vorweg: die beste Überraschung für unseren Planeten und damit auch unsere Gesellschaft wäre doch, wenn wir alle viel weniger konsumieren würden. Ich selbst lebe eher sehr minimalistisch und stelle hier daher auch nur Dinge vor, die ich entweder selber permanent nutze oder zumindest nützlich finde. Also, überlegt […]
Beyond: Next chapter of an unique surf movie

(© Photo by Judith Recher / Lupi Spuma) Four years ago I was sitting at the “Botschaft” in Hamburg, my eyes glued to the white wall which was covered with moving images. These images where part of a screening of the surf movie The Old the young and the sea – a surf travel-documentary that was less […]
Surf movie GIVEN: The subtle art of how to embrace life

There are just a few surf movies out there, that are special, that are more than just surf movies. One that really stands out at the moment is „GIVEN“ – a truly inspiring piece made by Director Jess Binchi who captures the journey of Family Goodwin on their travels across this planet. Rather the journey to the past of former pro surfer Aamion […]
Into the Woods: The “Pines & Beach”-Festival

Around May its usually really quiet around the little ghost-villages along the French Atlantic coast. Most of the shops are still closed and so are the bars – the few ones that already open seem to serve themselves rather than any clients. The camping sites just begin their preparations for the upcoming season. This year […]
Campingfeeling to go: the Kaloha Camper

Back to the roots of camping with the Kaloha Camper. Thousands of wateraddicts discover different beaches worldwide with their campervan. So does the surfer Jan Philipp Kentgens from Hünxe in Germany. When he finished his studies he came up with the idea for a demountable camper for dropside vans. The special thing of this idea […]
How to find your sweetspot

We talked with MARLON LIPKE about his new project surfguide.com
Meeting strangers is easy

Today, Jule and me walked for a little photo-session through the streets of Tamraght, when an apparently mentally disturbed guy, who talked a lot of strange stuff, crossed our way. At first we thought about turning our back on him, but then, while we took pictures of Jule doing some Yoga Poses, he came towards her, […]